In schools there is an on going problem of students not attending classes and roaming the halls. This lack of class commitment often leads to a negative school tone which affects all students in the building. The administration team is wondering if the poor attendance is due to poor performance in the class or if it more of a social need for your teenage population to hang out with their peers instead of going to class.
I decided to try to answer the first hypothesis.
Looking through a variety of possible data and reports that I had access to. Some exports were very messy, with multiple tabs or merge tabs, misaligned rows etc .

Un-Cleaned Data
Running a variety of reports allowed me to narrow down what data I wanted to focus on and made me realize I would need to do some manual cleaning and entry. I decided to focus on semester 1 data only. I also needed to make sure my report did not leak any sensitive information so stripped any identifying features as they were not needed for the analysis or reporting.

Cleaned and Wrangled Data
After I wrangled the data it looked a lot tidier containing only necessary data.
To answer the hypothesis I needed to focus on students with poor attendance. I started looking at absences, but did not want to include students with extenuating circumstances such as illnesses, holidays or students in the IB program with different attendance patterns. I decided to filter this out by only focusing on unauthorized absences and setting it to 100+ in a given semester. This means students on average missed a full month of classes in a 5 month semester.

2023 Semester 1 Data
By creating a visualization it was easy to see that the data confirmed that poor attendance was a slight indicator of poor achievements scores.
I realized this did not give us an understanding of the student, performance of the students in the halls, as many arrive to class late and would therefore not be absent. I ran more data for students with more than 100 Lates.

2023 Semester 1 Data
Looking at the tables one can see that students with vast number of Lates are still earning their credits, many with fairly high achievement levels. As a result the data suggests that students poor performance and understanding is not the reason they are disengaged and out of classes.
Perhaps it is the need for peer interactions on why students are not going to classes. More data needs to be recorded. As such an anonymous survey, focusing on qualitative data, where students are able to state their reasoning would be beneficial to further develop a plan for student re-engagement.
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